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[深入理解文件系统之二] 文件描述符、inode和打开文件表

发布时间:2022-11-03 13:31:00 所属栏目:Unix 来源:网络
导读: Unix文件系统学习笔记之二:文件描述符、inode和打开文件表

The procstructuredoes not record information related to file access. However the userstructurecontains a number of imp


The procstructuredoes not record information related to file access. However the userstructurecontains a number of important file-access-related fields, namely:

u_cdir.The inode of the current working directory is stored here. This is

usedduring pathname resolution when a user specifies a relative


u_uid/u_gid.The process user ID and group ID used for permissions

checkingfor file-access-based system calls. Similarly, u_euidand

u_egidholdthe effective user and group IDs.

u_ofile.This array holds the process file descriptors. This is described in

moredetail later.

u_arg.An array of system call arguments set up during the transition

fromuser to kernel mode when invoking a system call.

u_base.This field holds the address of a user space buffer in which to read

datafrom or write data to when processing a system call such as read()


u_count.The number of bytes to read or write is held here. It is

decrementedduring the I/O operation and the result can be passed back

tothe user.

u_offset.This field records the offset within the file for the current read

orwrite operation.

u_error.When processing a system call, this field is set if an error is

encountered.The value of u_erroristhen passed back to the user

whenthe system call returns.

深刻理解inode就是在理解meta-data,inode是文件系统中最重要的metadata, 它的主要数据结构如下


Eachfile in the filesystem was represented by a unique inode thatcontained fields such as:

i_mode.This field specifies whether the file is a directory (IFDIR), a block

specialfile (IFBLK), or a character special file (IFCHR). Note that if one

ofthe above modes was not set, the file was assumed to be a regularfile.

Thiswould later be replaced by an explicit flag, IFREG.

i_nlink.This field recorded the number of hard links to the file. When

thisfield reaches zero, the inode is freed.

i_uid.The file’s user ID.

i_gid.The file’s group ID.

i_size.The file size in bytes.

i_addr.This field holds block addresses on disk where the file’s datablocks are held.

i_mtime.The time the file was last modified.


Inodein core/memory




d.哪些inode需要缓存:DNLC(directory name lookup cache for vnode)










